How To Maintain Your Wigs

How to maintain your kinky curly wig. Read below!


The way you moisturize your own natural hair is more-less the same way you would moisturize human hair wig or weave. Moisturizing is crucial for healthy-looking hair because it increases elasticity (a bouncy look)  and controls brittleness and breakage.

Moisturizing your hair regularly involves three things…that is; water, the use of emollients like butter (shea or mango butter), and oils to seal water content or moisture into the hair.

Four steps

  • Washing: Mix Lukewarm water with a little amount of shampoo in a water spray bottle. Hang the wig on your hand and spray the mixture into the wig as you wash gently, detangling using fingers starting from the hair tips moving inside. The curls are likely to untangle when wet because water softens it. After washing, rinse gently and your wig will look neat, fresh and new. It is advisable to wash your curly hair wig at most twice a month. Follow by placing it on a wig stand or any other suitable stand and let it air dry (place it ”outside down” or ”inside out”, which ever way you understand this). When in a hurry, you can use a hair dryer but reduced to the lowest temperature. The processed texture of a kinky curly weave can’t stand too much heat otherwise it will destroy it. Don’t leave it to completely dry. When your curly hair has stopped dripping wet, it’s now ready for a moisturizer.
  • Moisturizer: To your damp wig, add butter products like Shea cream, mango, avocado or any other of your preference. They are rich in conditioning, keeping the hair’s moisture levels high and prevent further breakage. Gently massage this cream through the whole hair with your fingers or deman brush where the need be.

  • Oiling: Then finish with spray (optional) of your preference to nourish and especially to seal the moisture in, define curls and add shine. Immediately follow with a Denman brush or fingers to pop your curls
  • Storage: Storing is very crucial in maintaining your curly wig extension. After using ensure you place it in a hair net like the one that came with the product when you purchased it.


Human hair is costly and so some opt for synthetic hair. The clear truth is Synthetic Hair is not friendly with water and heat because that would kill it. It will completely lose its original texture, curl definition as well as shape. That’s not what we want of course.

Five steps

  • Use your fingers to gently detangle hair using
    Aura Cacia Tea Tree Lavender Essential Oil or any water-free clarifying essential oil that may be available to you. Essential oils are a good option because they are light enough not to clog or drain hair.
  • Gently clean hair using the same oil and a piece of soft towel to remove excess dirt from the wig and a toothbrush to remove hidden build up in the wig cap.
  • Remove excess oil using a second piece of cloth preferable soft towel.
  • You may use synthetic wig spray to define the curls and add shine and life as you finger comb.
  • Storing is very crucial in maintaining your curly wig extension. After using ensure you place it in a hair net like the one that came with the product when you purchased it.

Note: You don’t have to wash or clean wigs frequently otherwise it may lose its quality sooner than expected. 2 to 3 times a month is reasonable depending on how often you use it. Take note that the more products you use on your hair, the more frequently you will wash or clean because of the build-up.

Learn how to moisturize and twist out your natural hair

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