Effective Ways of How to Remove Grease from Hair

Effective Ways of How to Remove Grease from Hair

Grease can be manufactured or natural. Examples of manufactured grease include Blue Magic, Dax, Pomade, Sulfer8, Murray’s, Palmers, Indian hemp, Vaseline, and others. 

Then natural grease comes from raw kinds of butter and oils. These include Shea butter, cocoa butter, mango butter, and oils like olive oil, Argan oil, and others. Our heads also produce natural oils to keep the scalp healthy and protect your hair from damage. Some people however have higher levels of oil production that can lead to hair feeling and looking overly greasy. 

Grease is a highly effective sealant. If your hair is properly moisturized using grease to lock in that moisture is one of the best ways to keep your hair moisturized longer. Grease is a great barrier that locks moisture in but it also prevents adequate moisture that may come from out. The reason why I use “adequate” is that grease is not so hydrophobic. If grease completely prevented any water or moisture from penetrating hair then we wouldn’t experience shrinkage. People who want to keep their hair straight from silk presses would simply apply grease and do the press. 

Now the problem comes when you keep reapplying grease on already dry hair unless you’re going for a blowout hairstyle. In my opinion, when you start realizing dry hair, know it’s time to cleanse. Remove the grease, the buildup first, hydrate, condition, moisturize then apply grease. This should be the routine. Since everyone’s hair is different, there will be varying periods when each one’s hair starts to feel dry. Some within one week, others within two weeks, and still others a month. Otherwise, when we keep reapplying product on greasy hair it may lead to dry hair and as a result breakage. This is when we start blaming grease instead of our poor or ignorant regimen.  

In this article, we are going to look at 3 effective options that you could choose from to get rid of excess grease and keep your hair clean. They also include natural methods just in case you are already worried about clarifying shampoos. 

Use Clarifying Shampoo

The easiest and fastest way to remove grease from hair is by using a clarifying shampoo. It contains chemical ingredients like sulfates that are meant to remove those sticky films like grease and wax from hair.
Since hair usually feels very dry after clarifying, licensed professional cosmetologists advise deep conditioning after clarifying to restore the lost oils. However, if you prefer using a moisturizing shampoo, and still want to incorporate grease in your hair regimen, then you could start by doing one of the following steps just before shampooing.

Mix Eggs and Lemon

Using a mixture of eggs and lemon is an effective and rewarding method to reduce excess grease just before you use your favorite moisturizing shampoo. Mix 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice in a bowl and stir so that it is properly mixed. If you had very thick long hair then you may mix 2 eggs and 4 tablespoons of lemon juice. Apply this mixture to your scalp and greasy hair before cleansing. Wear a shower cap and sit under a hooded dryer for not more than 15 minutes. If you do not have a hooded dryer, you could simply let it sit in your hair for at least 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water not warm as the latter may cook the eggs in your hair and make them stick there. Then follow with a moisturizing shampoo.  

Lemon has vitamins B, and C and antioxidants that cleanse the scalp and open up clogged pores. Eggs, with their fatty acids, are a great conditioner that will bind with the grease making the latter a softer and more pliable film easier to wash off. Eggs also give your hair slip, smooth the cuticle down, and moisturize the scalp to rid it of any flakiness and infections.

Use Blotting Paper

Blotting paper is a highly absorbent type of paper often made of cotton and used to absorb excess liquid substances such as ink and oil. Though it’s commonly used in microscopy to remove excess liquids from the slide before viewing, it has also been sold as a cosmetic to aid in the removal of skin oils and makeup.

So you simply part your hair into sections and then start by rubbing a sheet of blotting paper along your roots and scalp to absorb excess oil in each section. Use a new sheet when the paper gets filled with grease.

If you wish you can now follow with a moisturizing shampoo at least two washes to make certain hair is properly cleansed then of course follow with a conditioner.

What other practical ways do you know that could help reduce excess grease in hair?. I’m longing to see your comments below in the comments section.

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