How to Minimize Frizz in Your Twist Out

How to minimize frizz in your hair

Hair twists are not only a protective style, but also a fabulous hairstyle with curls or spirals you achieve once untwisted. Great hairstyle but at times may not always come out the way we want them to. We may experience bad hair days sometimes, as a result of frizz (lack of curl definition). I have 4C natural short hair as maintaining and styling journey has not been easy (something most natural-hair women can attest to). It has been trial and error to figure out which styling products and methods work best for my hair and a twist out is without doubt my go-to.

Several factors make a difference in the outcome of your twist out that you may not even be aware of. To help you get a bouncy, frizz-free style every time, try these 6 steps that have helped me.

Step 1.

Use the right products for your hair texture.

Since everyone’s hair texture/type is different, figuring out which products actually work for your hair type is extremely important. The kinkier hair types usually need cream based products with thicker consistency than loose curls and wavy hair types. For more definition and extra hold add gel or a product that is a mix of both (some cream-based products have a significant amount of hold in the formula).

Step 2.

Fully Detangle your hair prior to twisting.

Your hair should be totally free of knots and tangles before starting the process.  Using a wide tooth comb or your fingers and cream, take down those knots. Use a bit of gel to fully detangle and twirl the ends into a curl with your fingers when twisting. Smooth tangle-free hair ensures an even coating of product to get the best definition, prevent breakage, and most importantly determines how well your hairstyle will turn out.

Step 3.

Let your hair dry completely before untwisting.

It’s vital that hair is completely dry so you are sure that the product you used for your twists has been worked in and settled into the hair before unraveling. Twisting hair when not fully dry may cause frizz and lack definition in your hairstyle. Letting hair dry fully will allow it set to get the desired shape. Leaving mine dry naturally over night is my fave. Or you can enjoy your twisted updo as you give your hair time to air dry. But if you want a quicker dry, sit under the dryer as you watch your favorite show or use a regular blow dryer.

Step 4.

Use oil to unravel your hair the right way.

This step can ruin or retain your twist-out if not done the right way. Gently apply your favorite light oil into your twists and then begin unraveling carefully starting from the bottom while keeping your fingertips oiled to prevent frizz. The oil helps to smooth the process, putting every thing together, or nourishing and keeping your hair in place. Depending on how full/fluffy you want your hairstyle, use your fingers to separate your strands into thinner curly strands. For extra volume, you can take a wide-tooth comb and pick your roots.

Step. 5

Re-twist your hair at night.

You are always tired by evening/night after a long day’s work and don’t have the strength or gats to re-twist your hair. I feel the same most times but retwisting your curls helps to lock in the remaining moisture and maintain your twist out for a longer period of time so you can rock it atleast 3 more days depending on the hairtype. To save time and energy, twist big sections if you have shorter hair. If your hair is longer, you can pineapple your hair, gathering the twists at the top of the head. And if you can afford, spray your curls or apply your fave light oil into your fingers just before retwisting.

Step 6.

Wrap your hair first before bed.

Wrap your hair with a satin/silky scarf or bonnet to contain your curls for a longer period and avoid frizz. This is paramount to keep your hair smooth, moisturized, maintaining your style since it keeps your curls in place.

Step 7.

Benefits of Good Frizzy Hair!

However, Frizz is some times good. A defined twist out on 4c hair is one of the biggest challenges for many including me, having more of bad hair days than a defined twist out. Well it’s not always about a smooth, defined twist out. Who sets the rules? What I came to learn is that Healthy Frizz is good. Am tempted to separate more to fill up gaps since I have thin hair and most importantly leaves hair looking more natural in a stylish manner. Do you agree? Bad frizz is when your hair is dry (matte), with that piecey texture.

Going too hard to touching/manipulating equals to FRIZZ. This is what you don’t want but sometimes it may work to your advantage giving a Softer Fluffier look to your hairstyle.

This video below illustrates how Frizz would look like and still rock your style… I personally embrace HEALTHY Frizz?.

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